Already a month into 2025 and it seems to be flying by like nobody’s business. There is a general concern about our nation that is causing a lot of anxiety, fear, and dread. I encounter it in almost every conversation. It is difficult to imagine that we will ever get back to a UNITED United States because we have become so divided that we don’t even talk to each other. Mired in social media, glued to our phones, and having a 15 second attention span, we are no longer able to engage in meaningful convt ersation. I personally and trying to make it a point to get in touch with people again. It was easy to lose contact with folks after the pandemic because we tended to stay in, work from home, opt to stay away from crowds and were comfortable with the at home lifestyle.
I’m thinking that trying to gather groups again will be the way to maybe break this divisiveness. It is really hard to keep an enemy if you get to know them. It is nearly impossible to dehumanize another person if you talk to them because we pretty much have the same needs and basic desires for ourselves and our families. It is a hope anyway.