
Snowart2aI wrote this in 2009 for an Advent Devotional but it spoke to me today and I’d like to share it with you.

But, dear friends, remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ foretold. They said to you, “In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires.” – Jude 17-18

Godlessness. At the time when the Letter of Jude was written the people were being led astray by those “who will follow their own ungodly desires.” In our own times there are so many things that appear to be ungodly. Greed is rampant, there is a loss of concern about others and a self-centered disregard for the effects of one’s actions on others. We are bombarded with images of violence, exploitation of persons’ bodies, and denigrating language — all in the name of entertainment.

In the season of Advent we are particularly vulnerable to being drawn into greed with the commercialization of a most holy time in the church year. How can we remain true to God in a climate such as this?

Perhaps the words of Jude’s letter ring true today as we face a world at odds with our understanding of the kingdom of God. When we regard one another as children of God and care for each other as brothers and sisters in Christ, we catch a glimpse of the world as God intended it to be.

The Jude text offers hope. “Build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit. Keep yourselves in God’s love…”

There are always choices to be made. We can allow ourselves to be swept up in the craziness of the season or we can remember that we have been given an amazing gift. If we can remain true to our belief that Jesus is the Christ and he is the lens through which we can focus our lives on God then we can combat the negatives in our lives that try to keep us from staying on the right path.

It is in this season of Advent as we await the coming of Jesus once again, that we, too, can be born anew in him and build ourselves in holy faith.

Godless world? No, we are in a God-filled world. We just have to be open to the many wonders of our God and turn to God in spite of all those things that pull us in other directions.

There is hope in Christ. We are called to that hope. We pray that we will find it as we await the coming of Christ anew. Amen.

Fall Color

Fall color

Fall color

This fall colors in the American Midwest have been especially beautiful this year. I have been drawn to the yellows but I have seen so many shades of green, red, yellow, brown, and orange. This month I have talked about the senses on my webpage and the experiences I’ve had with color this past few weeks have put me in a place of peace and holiness. With so much chaos in the world and in our country I welcome the joy and comfort these fall colors bring. I find myself understanding the word “breathtaking”. At times my breath is taken away in a simple gasp as I am amazed at the absolute splendor of these glimpses of God’s creative spirit. As the wind blows and the sun dances on the leaves the colors change and what I see leaves me in awe. It soothes my soul and for a while I can bathe in the beauty surrounding me and forget the pain and sorrow and ugliness that beat me down. I am inspired, I feel renewed, I feel creative and nourished. Perhaps it is the enjoyment of such beauty that strengthens us to do our part in the work of making the world a better place. I am grateful for this.

Life is so precious

Fall butterfly

Fall butterfly

We were moving along nicely minding our own business feeling great when out of the blue things happened reminding us of our fragile nature, of our mortality. My son got sick, I got into a car accident. He could have died, I could have died. But we didn’t. I took notice and started to feel the reality of humanity. We are born, we die. In between we live. It is so easy to take that life for granted – Until you think you about the possibility of losing it. I’ve read many accounts of people’s brushes with death but until now it was not an experience I have had.
My life has been relatively easy. I’ve had my ups and downs but overall it has been good. I often marvel at the wonder of life. The amazing human body, the birth of a child, the metamorphosis of a butterfly. Look to the heavens and they tell the story of the creator who made the universe in all its splendor and yet loves each one of us and truly each little piece of the creation. Yes, life is precious and each moment holds possibilities for experiencing the wonder of God who is manifest in all there is. We just need to pay attention. I am grateful for this life.

Disturbing story

I read this article in the Washington Post a day ago and have been very upset about it since. WashingtonPost article  This predatory behavior is so unjust. The gist of the article is that an elderly man with dementia lost his home because he forgot to pay a tax bill of $134. It was all legal but so clearly predatory. I believe that the government is in place for this very purpose – to protect the public, especially those vulnerable persons. The Washington Post investigated this practice. It made me sick. I had trouble sleeping wondering what I could possibly do about it. I think it is important to protect your family by watching out for the elderly when they start to lose memory.
If there are similar laws in your state ask the legislature to be vigilant against this kind of thing.

How is it possible to essentially pay $200,000 for a $134 debt? That is straight out theft. I don’t understand how any judge could allow it. It seems to be criminal. Even if the law allows it, there should be some ethical piece involved. I hope this article helps improve the law and protects the vulnerable. I can only hope that humanity will show more compassion and concern for others. I don’t deny that debts should be paid but not in this way.
Perhaps I will be able to sleep tonight.

Mothers and sons

This week my son and I took a trip. Not the kind of trip I was expecting.  He ended up in the emergency room and needed to have his appendix removed.  There was a time in there that I was actually scared.  People can die from a ruptured appendix. I know because my grandfather did.  With antibiotics and good care he will be leaving the hospital today and I am so relieved.  The hardest part of the whole ordeal for me was watching my son suffer the pain. I thank God for pain medication!  You never want you child to suffer, even as an adult.  It got me to thinking about how your love for you child binds you to them forever.  Yes, he is an adult and can be on his own, but still your first inclination is to take care of him.  He would have been okay had I not been there but I am so glad I could be with his through this. I think he was glad as well.

I had such a special time with my daughter only a couple of weeks ago and now I’ve had a special time with my son under very different circumstances.  I am blessed to be close to both my kids and I am grateful. BUT I would rather have a road trip with my son. <smile>

*O wondrous God, You bless me every day with your love made known the relationships with my children and my spouse.  Thank you for your presence in my life and in theirs.  As I move in my daily life help me to be more and more aware of You.  Amen*

Mothers and Daughters

I am excitedly awaiting the arrival of my daughter this week.  She has been living in another state attending graduate school.  This separation isn’t as hard as her first venture into independence right after high school when my precious child decided that New York City was the place for her. That big city, my little girl…well she not only survived but developed into a very savvy, cosmopolitan woman which grace and style and a degree!  It was really fun getting to know my daughter as a woman.  She’s fun and yeah, I’m pretty proud of her.  Anyway, she is now on the other coast and making her way toward a career/vocation in an area she truly enjoys.  I miss her but technology allows us to be in as much contact as we wish.  I remember writing letters to my mom when I moved half way across the country.  Times have changed and we can call, text, and Skype frequently.

I’m not going to pretend that all mothers and daughters have this relationship but I am going to say that I am very happy that we do.  I had the same kind of relationship with my own mother.  After  getting past the teenage angst, there is a mutual respect and caring for one another that makes time together precious and cherished.  So in a few days we get to see each other and bonus!  We are going on a road trip! Just the two of us.  Bet you can tell I’m looking forward to this.  I am grateful for every moment and it reminds me of the great times I had with mom, traveling and sharing time. There’s nothing like it.  There is something sacred about it.

For me, it is easy to view God as Mother.  The bonds between mother and child are so strong, of necessity and the relationship between God and us is a lot like that. The image of coming from God as a child from the womb is compelling.  It helps me to understand how much God cares, loves, feels responsible, and wants the very best for each of us.  A nice image for me.  Makes me smile.

On Being Tired

After a very busy month and  the most recent event, church camp, I am tired. I suppose it is the body’s response to being “on” for so long.  I just needed to stop and rest but I didn’t take much of a break since I had responsibilities at my home church.  Today I walked an outdoor labyrinth and felt renewal.  So many things were still hanging in thoughts from the past month.  As I walked I was able to put them aside so that I could focus on my upcoming retreat.  I felt the burdens lifting from me and a lightness has entered me.  I believe I will sleep better tonight.  I can finish preparations and participate fully in the retreat where I can rest in God along with my sisters in Christ.

Being tired for good reasons is fine but recharging is very important. I talk about centering and renewal of spirit to my directees and I know that these things are vital to health. Today I practiced what I preached and am grateful for the graces given. We all need time with God daily and sometimes in retreat.


In the Declaration of Independence Jefferson wrote
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

All men are created equal – in those days it was indeed free men he was talking about but if we take seriously the fact that God created each and every one of us and made humankind in God’s own image the statement takes on a very powerful meaning. We are equal. We all have rights.

Rights. What are we entitled to? Life – does this include enough to eat, shelter, healthcare, care in old age? I think so. Liberty – we value our freedom greatly in this country. We are willing to put our young people in harm’s way to insure it, even if the wars we fight seem unconnected to us in many ways. We are free to go about our lives without fear for the most part. Slavery is illegal. Pursuit of happiness – this is beyond just having basic necessities. We have the right to pursue that which adds to our sense of well-being. The rights bestowed up on citizens of the United States of America are documented in the Constitution or by legislative act of our Congress. These entitlements reflect this idea of life, liberty and happiness. In that light they are truly entitlements. Lately, the term has been used in a negative sense. There is a suggestion that maybe social security, or welfare support, or food stamps, or even health care are “gifts”. That doesn’t jive with the idea that there are certain things people can depend on in this country. Do you have to pay into something to be entitled to it?
I am far more concerned with the entitlement felt by the people in this country who have enough or more than enough, often upon the backs of those who don’t. Why is it that we have to have more and more? It is as if wealth is not enough if it isn’t more year after year. Why do companies who make fantastic profit feel that if that profit isn’t greater the next year they are failing? While I think growth is good, a decent profit should be acceptable to shareholders even if it isn’t as great as last year. It is one reason large corporations hurt employees with layoffs or cuts in pay in order to bring the “bottom line” higher each year. That to me is entitlement in the negative sense. Just because you were able to rip off customers one year doesn’t mean that now you are entitled to do it into perpetuity. I believe our nation which was built on racist ideology has come to believe that this is the way things should be rather than seeing it for what it is. As a country we have been slowly starting to see the dangers of a racist society where one race benefits while all others are oppressed. In actuality it hurts all involved. Yet, we still have many who see themselves as entitled to privileges because of their birth into a certain race. This is the dangerous entitlement we should be fighting. Not entitlements as named in our constitution or by our laws. If we can find ways to stop greed based on the bad entitlement mindset we would have no need to damage our good entitlement programs which allow our citizens have basic necessities for life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

I believe that when basic needs are met, people are more likely to thrive, to be productive citizens and care for one another.


This last month was a time of loss. Beginning April 2 our congregation has mourned the loss and celebrated the lives of 4 members and the brother of one of our pastors. It was particularly hard to see the pain in those left behind.  April 3 was the one year anniversary of my own mother’s passing. I also have to say goodbye to friends moving away. The burden is heavy and  I recall the Scripture about the yoke.

‘Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens,
and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me;
for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.’      Matt 11:28-30

yokeThe yoke ties us to Christ so that we are no longer working alone. The burden is lightened because we have help from one who understands. So it is with grief, we are not alone, our strength is increased by uniting with the Lord and our faith won’t let us fall, will keep us close, will help us carry the burden until the work is done.

So even as I feel the heaviness of sadness and loss, I feel the load lightened because I am not alone, I feel God’s presence holding me up, keeping me moving, and sharing my pain.

Bombs Manhunts Dying

Last week was awful in many ways.  I recently blogged about the Boston bombing but that was Monday!  What happened after was even more surreal.  Watching the media folks fall all over themselves trying to make a story when there wasn’t a story yet was irritating.  How many ways can you repeat the same thing without adding anything to the conversation?  Then, something happened, they put video and photographic data together and found suspects.  The manhunt was very disturbing.  I’m not sure what was worse, knowing that someone had put horrible bombs down beside innocent people and walked away or that the search for the suspects led to an insane exchange of weapons firing with Boston locked down. It was like watching a crazy movie but it was real. Is Congress watching?  Gun control would be helpful now!

I found myself feeling anxious, and ill at ease.  I wanted to be near my husband to feel safer.  These young men were very effective terrorists.  I, for one, was scared.  I wasn’t in Boston but I was so distressed I’m sure my level of health decreased for the week.  I had to cry.  Then the faces of the suspects seemed so normal.  Over and over you heard people who knew them say they would never have believed this behavior possible from them.  As the information is coming in it seems there may be more to this than we thought.  I’m sure we will be hearing about this for a long time.

I prayed a lot this week for the families of those killed, for the people in the Boston Marathon, for people living in the area, and for peace.  I needed some peace.  As I write this I am thinking of 4 deaths at our church.  It has been a time of great loss. I have faith and it gives me comfort even in the sadness, the fear, the pain.   God’s love gets me through.  Keep praying!